Laugh & Learn Volunteer Weekend
Date: Fri Jan 24 2025, 4:00 PM EST - Sun Jan 26 1220, 12:00 PM EST
  • Outdoor Enrichment,
  • 3 Seasons Camp Events
  • Volunteers

Flower Power

An incredible Girl Scout experience planned just for you, an adult Girl Scout volunteer.  Catch up with your old friends while making new friends. Have informed information to share with parents about Girl Scout camping and the camps.

Take the opportunity to learn new skills. You'll have time to relax and enjoy a Misty Mountain camp experience without cooking, kids, or cares. You choose your activities based on your interests designed just for you.

Activities range from horseback riding to beating the stress of personal, work and/or volunteer involvement.  

Most importantly, have fun while experiencing personal growth and learning. 

Early bird registration ends Nov. 1, 2024.   

If you need more info, please call Marie Wright (404) 915-2342or Sheila Mills 404-634-7588