Every item sold generates troop proceeds that powers experiences and adventures for the entire troop. Earning early start-up funds can help purchase supplies, complete a community project, plan a trip, and so much more.
Proceeds for ALL troops = 15% of Total Sales
Older Girl Troops: Girl Scout Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Troops can opt-out of girl rewards to earn an additional 1% of total sales. Girls in troops who opt-out will only receive the following patches: Elephant Patch, Super Seller Magazine Patch, 2024 Patch, Care to Share Patch, Embrace Possibilities Patch, Super Seller Patch, the Personalized Patch with Avatar and the Cookie Crossover Patch. Note: All girls in the troop must agree to opt out of receiving rewards.
Super troops earn even more!
Any troop can be a Super Troop earning an additional 1% in proceeds during the 2025 Girl Scout Cookie Program when they meet the criteria below:
- New T&K Troops: $1500 in sales.
- Returning T&K Troops: $1500 in sales OR 20% more than last year; whichever is higher.
Girl Scout Juliettes
Juliette troop proceeds go towards funding Juliette programs, events, scholarships, programming credits and more for individually registered girls. Program credit can be redeemed and used towards high awards funding, GSGATL event registration, Badge & Sash, GSUSA Destinations and Service Unit events. During the Treats & Keeps Program, each Juliette Girl Scout who sells at least one product will receive a $25 program credit. Additionally, the top seller(s) will receive their choice of additional program credits or a special top seller prize.