2025 Girl Scout Day at the Capitol
Date: Tue Feb 04 2025
  • Brownies,
  • Ambassadors,
  • Juniors,
  • Cadettes,
  • Volunteers,
  • Seniors

Take a day to learn about advocacy and legislation. Join your sister Girl Scouts from around the state and discover the issues impacting girls in our community; connect with community resources to research the issues(s) that interest you and take action by meeting with your legislator to discuss the issue(s) important to you.

Please come in Girl Scout uniform, wearing your sash or vest.

This is NOT a drop off event.  All girls MUST have an adult that is registered with them. (please follow the Volunteer essentials on girl/adult ratio)

Girls will not earn a full badge through this program, but can work towards the following badges:

Adults- Please be sure to bring our drivers license as there is security in every building the girls must go into. 

Day-of Schedule TBD

You will be emailed a confirmation and what to expect a week before the event.   This will have each level's agenda on it.  Expect to visit the Senate and House sides of the Capitol, a group picture with the Governor, Scavenger Hunt that teaches the girls all about Georgia and the Capitol,  Badge specific requirements and even a change to meet your own Senator or State Representative for your area.

Event Fee:  Girl Member Fee: $5, Adult Member Fee: $2

Registration Closes: 1/24/25 or when full

Maximum girls: 400