Take a day to learn about advocacy and legislation. Join your sister Girl Scouts from around the state and discover the issues impacting girls in our community; connect with community resources to research the issues(s) that interest you and take action by meeting with your legislator to discuss the issue(s) important to you.
This is NOT a drop off event. All girls MUST have an adult that is registered with them. (please follow the Volunteer essentials on girl/adult ratio)
Girls will not earn a full badge through this program, but can work towards the following badges:
Adults- Please be sure to bring our drivers license as there is security in every building the girls must go into.
Day-of Schedule TBD
You will be emailed a confirmation and what to expect a week before the event. This will have each level's agenda on it. Expect to visit the Senate and House sides of the Capitol, a group picture with the Governor, Scavenger Hunt that teaches the girls all about Georgia and the Capitol, Badge specific requirements and even a change to meet your own Senator or State Representative for your area.
Event Fee: Girl Member Fee: $5, Adult Member Fee: $2
Registration Closes: 1/24/25 or when full
Maximum girls: 400