From Good to Gold Workshop
Date: Thu Feb 15 2024, 6:30 PM EST - 8:30 PM EST
  • Ambassadors,
  • Seniors

This is a virtual workshop-style training, exclusively for girls who are ready to take their ideas From Good to Gold.  This is a hands-on experience for the girls showing them how to start with an idea or an interest and develop it into a Gold Award Project. Girls will walk through the Gold Award process from start to finish and leave knowing what the next steps are. A Zoom link to the session will be sent to girls one week before the session.

  • This class is for Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors only (grades 9-12), who have already completed the pre-requisites: a) the Silver Award and a Journey or two Journeys. 
  • Make sure all girls are registered with their own email address. 
  • Please do not register for multiple classes-this prevents others from being able to register. 

Questions? Email: